What is 4-H? 4-H is…
10 years ago
Learning by doing, and is available to all boys and girls, nine years old or in the third grade through 18 years old as of Aug. 31 of each year, from urban, suburban and rural areas. First, an adult leader brings together youth that have common interests. Second, the youth choose one or more projects. Projects are chosen from over thirty project-areas offered. Third, the group enrolls as a club, and fourth, meets together to learn and have FUN. Clubs are able to explore 4-H activities, events and trips. In 4-H, there are events happening all year round.
The Panhandle Shining Stars 4-H Club will have their first meeting of the new school year on Sept. 9, starting at 6:30 pm in the War Memorial Building.
If you would like more information on Carson County 4-H please contact the Texas AgriLife Extension Service of Carson County at 537-3882.