6 years ago

Panhandle High School One Act Play cast and crew has advanced again to Area competition with their performance of “The Last Lifeboat Dramatis Personae” by Luke Yankee, Dramatist Play Service, during the Bi-District competition last Thursday, March 21, at West Texas High School. Also advancing to the Area round are West Texas High School and Wheeler High School. The Area competition is set for Saturday, April 6, at Wayland Baptist University in Plainview. As of press time, performance times have not been determined.

“The Last Lifeboat” is the story of the life of Bruce Ismay, the man who built the RMS Titanic. As the Titanic sank, Ismay made the decision to save himself rather than go down with the ship. PHS Junior Carter Neil portrays Ismay and was named to the Bi-District All Star Cast for his portrayal. Emily Jones and Andrew Neusch were named to the Honorable Mention All Star Cast for their roles, respectively, as Ismay’s wife Florence and father, Thomas Ismay.

Cast and crew are, bottom - left to right, Josiah Brown and Adrian Wyble; kneeling - left to right, Emery McCown, Theatre Director Sheryl Oliver, Andrew Neusch and Ben Pulliam; standing - left to right, Shelby Simpson, Jayci Stokes, Makenzie Langham, Emily Jones, Grayson Davis, Dax Ammons, Makenna Reynolds, Keslea Ford, Carter Neil, Emma Tow, Ethan Shadid, David Neusch, Griffin Fields and Josh Prather.