12 years ago

By CJ Kelly

Monday, Jan. 21, the Panhandle Chamber of Commerce met in the Hazelwood Building for the regular monthly meeting. It was good to get back to the Chamber after a lengthy holiday break. Rick Easter opened the meeting and Viola Moore gave the invocation. Those present for the meeting were Glenda Holt, Bill and Glenna McLeod, Viola Moore, John Dale and CJ Kelly, Ann and Rick Easter.

Ann Easter gave a financial report and the treasury is in good standing. Expenses incurred during the holidays were for Shop Panhandle Night gift certificates presented at the drawing, and a few Christmas ads in the local newspapers, these were the most outstanding bills and have been reconciled.

There was discussion on the summer garage sale, but no definite plans were made at this time. Glenda Holt will research that project as she contacts area towns for more information; that will be presented at the February meeting.

Rick Easter, president, will be checking on information as how best the Chamber can utilize their sign for Chamber news releases in the future.
Consideration was given as to having a Chamber web page that could introduce Panhandle to people who might not know what benefits a small town can provide for family living, or for business opportunities. The people working toward this effort will present more information on that at a later date; this would not only benefit outsiders, but also those living in the Panhandle area.

The Chamber members decided, by a unanimous vote, to appoint Ann Easter as their advertising spokesperson. That will assist in getting information out to the public in a more efficient way. Ann serves as Treasurer, and she can keep better records of advertising and expenses.

The Chamber welcomed a new member: Mark Souza. Mark has an overhead door business; is a local business person with many years experience in that type work. Several at the meeting had already used his services and spoke highly of his abilities in doing a good and timely job.

One of the most exciting discussions of the meeting was the open house for the new Panhandle Care Clinic that will be having an official open house Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. The Chamber certainly congratulates all those who have worked so diligently to bring this facility about; and especially those who operate the Clinic on a daily basis. The Chamber will be at the ribbon cutting, and the Public is invited to view the facility starting at 5 o’clock on Thursday.

The meeting was adjourned and a surprise birthday cake was presented; it was to be for one of the Chamber members, who was not present; so much for surprises! Viola had provided a delicious refreshment table for members to enjoy; they did so, along with the candle lit cake!