Local 4-H Held Annual Banquet
11 years ago
The Carson County 4-H youth held their annual awards banquet on July 21. Those in attendance were presented their year pins and recognized for their accomplishments this past year. 4-H members that completed Recordbooks received special recognition for their hard work and commitment to 4-H.
Those completing a Recordbook were Jett Bradford, Tayte Ogletree, Grace Means, Olivia Horner and Markus Barker in the junior age division. The intermediate age division Recordbook participants were Acacia Barker, Baylee Ogletree and Daniel Byers. Jordan Pohnert was the only senior age division participant. Pohnert’s Swine Recordbook won her category at the District level and is now being judged at the State recordbook contest. She also received the “Gold Star” award and will be recognized at the District Gold Star banquet.
During the banquet, adult leaders and mentors were recognized for their commitment to Carson County youth. Joe Homer of Groom received the “Distinguished Lifetime Friend of 4-H” award for his contributions over the past 3 decades. Eddie “Slim” Finck, also of Groom, was awarded the “Outstanding Leader” award for his work on the livestock pens in Groom. Kristi Barker of Panhandle was selected as the Carson County Distinguished Leader for her hard work in many 4-H projects, namely the Food Challenge. Mrs. Barker will be recognized at the annual District 1 4-H Gold Star Banquet in October. Extension Agent Jeanene Montgomery said, “Carson County has so many good natured and well-mannered kids and we are very fortunate to have leaders like Joe, Eddie, and Kristi to help encourage them”.