Letter To The Editor
10 years ago
Panhandle isn’t so bad after all.
I remember as a young teenager growing up in Panhandle hearing other kids saying how they couldn’t wait to graduate and leave Panhandle. I guess at that age if you hear something often enough, you tend to accept and believe what you hear. Now that I’ve graduated, left for nearly 20 years and come back to Panhandle, I often hear co-workers ask me WHY I choose to live in Panhandle. I’ve got a simple answer for them – the people.
I was unfortunate enough to be involved in a multi-vehicle accident a few days ago and saw yet another reason why the people in Panhandle make it such a great place to live. I would like to thank the first responders of our town, the EMS, Police department and Fire department personnel who responded to the accident. I think there even may have been some private citizens (be they from Panhandle or other surrounding areas) who were rendering first aid to me were nothing shy of top-notch professionals who were genuinely concerned about my safety and wellbeing. They provided me superb medical attention both at the scene and during me transport to Amarillo.
I would also like to give a big thanks to Will Stearns for securing my vehicle after the accident. The people of Panhandle really do make this a great place to live and raise a family. Thank you again folks!
Bruce Curtis