11 years ago

The Carson County Square House Museum in Panhandle is excited to showcase the paintings of renowned artist, Larry Hilburn of Hollis, Okla. during the months of June, July and August.

Mr. Hilburn’s art background is wide and varied. His works in oils, watercolors, drawings, and graphic media vary in style and mood – ranging from realism to semi-abstraction. Imagination and creativity are apparent in every work. He has a Bachelor of Art degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University and a Master’s Degree from West Texas State University in Canyon. He received a Fulbright Art Scholarship and studied at the Beaux Arts at the University of Paris, the Ecole DuLouvre, the Museum D’Art Moderne and the Jue Du Paume in Paris, France. He has held exhibitions in more than nine states and Paris.

The Amarillo Globe-News says of his work: “Hilburn’s art works express clearly his belief that an artist must not limit his field expression or imagination by aligning himself with only one school of thought or theory but rather keep a clear, open mind to all creative ideas.” The Taos News states: “Larry Hilburn’s paintings show endless imagination. Most outstanding is his Esquisse Sculptee, a unique sculptured drawing, developed by the artist, involving a series of chemical layers which results in the excitement of two senses – touch and sight.”

Mr. Hilburn’s artwork is available for purchase with two-thirds of the proceeds to go to the Square House Museum and the Panhandle Inn.

A reception and question/answer session will be held in the Hazlewood Auditorium on Sunday afternoon, June 8, 2014 from 2:30 to 4 o’clock.

Please plan to attend and meet this prestigious and gifted artist and view his many exceptional works. “We are very excited to host his many paintings and sculptures,” said Janie Plumlee, Square House Museum Administrative Assistant.