13 years ago

Panhandle’s Main Street and the Carson County Courthouse Lawn will be buzzing with activities on July Fourth. Make plans to come on downtown to enjoy a family fun-filled day. This 41st annual Independence Day Celebration is sponsored by J.O.Y. (Jesus, Others, and Yourself).

A whole day of entertainment and many activities have been planned, starting with breakfast hosted by the Panhandle Boy Scout Troop 501, from 7:00 – 10:00 a.m., at the War Memorial Building.

The David Phillips Memorial 5-K and 1-Mile Run and Walk, sponsored by Happy State Bank, begins at 7:30 a.m. at the courthouse. Registration forms can be found on page 7 of this week’s Herald or at Happy State Bank at 201 Euclid Street until Monday, July 2. Contact Shelly Fish at the bank at (806) 537-2265, to pick up race packets. Packets will also be available for pickup the morning of the race starting at 7:00 a.m. For any questions or more information contact Carissa Davis at (806) 683-2411. Both the one-mile walk and the 5K run will be divided into the following divisions: Male and female 8 and under, 9-12, 13-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70 and older. Awards will include first place to overall male and female in each race and first, second and third place finishers in each age division. Each entrant will receive a t-shirt.

Line-up for the parade will be at 9:15 a.m. at Panhandle City Hall on the south end of Main Street. The parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. and is sponsored by Rex Young Insurance Agency. The judging divisions for the parade are: Commercial, Non-Commercial, Theme, Automotive, Special Attraction, Bicycles, Golf Carts and Floats. Entries will be judged between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. Each division winner will receive a wall plaque. All vehicles will receive a dash plaque. Awards for parade winners will be given on the stage at the courthouse following the opening ceremonies.

Opening ceremonies will begin after the parade in front of the Courthouse.

Entries are still being taken for The Little Prince and Princess Contest. There will be a practice run-through and late registration on Tuesday, July 3rd at 5:30 p.m. at the Courthouse. Participants will then receive a number and given an opportunity to practice and get familiar with the stage. This contest is open to all children and grandchildren of residents of Carson County, ages 1 to 5 years and who have not started to school yet. Registration forms can be picked up at the Herald and Happy State Bank.

The Free Throw contest, sponsored by Wood Flying, Inc., is back again this year! There will be seven divisions this year: 5-6 year-olds, 7-8 year-olds, 9-10 year-olds, 11-12 year-olds, 13-15 year-olds, 16-17 year-olds, and 18 years and up. Kristi Cameron will start registration at 11:00 a.m. at J.O.Y. Park. The contest will begin at 11:30 a.m.

We will again have the ever-popular Sand Dig at 12:30 p.m. just north of the Courthouse. Children ages 2-12 years are welcome to come and dig for treasures!

Frog races are also planned and will be sponsored by Rex Young Insurance Agency. Participants are to bring their own frog. The race is set to begin at 1:00 p.m. north of the Courthouse at J.O.Y. Park. Prizes will be given in several categories.

Entertainment will begin at 12:00 p.m. and will continue throughout the day. There will be a variety of talents! Entry deadline is 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 3rd. Contact Shaun Jones, 433-7330, for more information.

Lots of booths will be available during the day. Contact person for booths is Melissa Hackett, 537-5646.