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Policies for Publication of Material in The Panhandle Herald & White Deer News
Listed below are guidelines for publication of various types of information for placing of ads or turning in news stories. We hope this will take some of the confusion out of what kinds of items will incur a charge.
- Any time something is being sold or a fee collected, such as tickets to a play, car washes, candy or cookie order taken, it is considered an ad, even if the group is “not for profit.” Just about every activity in a small town is “not for profit,” but we must pay our bills. We are happy to run your news releases if you run an ad in advance of the event. You are also encouraged to turn in a story afterwards. But some type of ad is needed if you are selling something or collecting money.
- All ads should be paid in advance. Accounts are payable at the end of the month with prior approval. A late charge will be added to the balance after 30 days. Advertising privileges will be suspended for non‐payment.
- We make errors, like everyone else. Check your ads for the first week of publication. If something is incorrect we will do our best to make it right. However, after the first publication we will not claim any responsibility. Proofs of advertisement before publication may be requested; however, please remember we have strict deadlines, so requests must be made by noon on Tuesdays.
- Classified ads are 40 cents per word with a $10 minimum. Tearsheets can be picked up at the office or requested by mail or email for an additional fee.
- Contact either office to discuss display ads. Deadline for a displayed ad is 12 p.m. on Tuesday the week of publication. However, we will try to accommodate you if you notify us that an ad is coming. The cost is calculated at $5.00 per column inch. We entertain discounts for advertising on a regular basis. Please call for ad configurations.
- All pictures are best if they are digital files. We can scan photos, but are not responsible for the quality of publication. Digital photos reproduce best at 300 dpi.
- Engagement announcements including a picture are free of charge.
- Wedding stories are free up to 450 words. Over that minimum, a charge of 35 cents per word will be charged. Accompanying photos are free of charge.
- We do not charge for obituaries. However, at times, family members wish to include a special poem or tribute to the deceased. There will be a charge of 35 cents per word for these tributes.
- Invitations and cards of thanks cannot be included in the news story. Cards of thanks are a minimum of $30. Cards of thanks, longer than 50 words, will be charged 40 cents per additional word. Invitations are charged at the same rate as display ads.
- Letters to the editor are cheerfully entertained so long as the author is willing to sign his/her name to the letter, include a mailing address and phone number. All letters will be published with the author’s name and shall remain on file at either the Panhandle Herald or White Deer News office. The Publisher has the right to reject letters that contain libelous statements or statements that cannot be backed up by facts. No letter will be published if it is based on he said/she said statements; facts must be present! The Publisher may request a cooling-off period of one week before any letter is published. Letters to be considered should not be longer than 300 words. Letters that are longer than 300 words will be returned to author to be resubmitted after edited to meet word count. No anonymous letters will be considered for publication at any time or under any circumstance.
Policies For Political Candidates
The Panhandle Herald & The White Deer News have established policies for Political Candidates. They are as follows:
- To be placed on the weekly Political Calendar: $100 for the Herald and White Deer News; one paper only is $75. This includes a photo and announcement of candidacy up to 250 words. Additional words will be charged at a rate of 40 cents per word. (Political Calendars do not apply to those candidates running for School Board or City Elections. Political Calendars do apply for all candidates who are running in primarily elections, i.e. county, state or federal offices.)
- Political advertisements will be charged at the regular display ad rate.
- All ads MUST be paid in advance.
- There will not be a listing with photos and biographies of candidates the week prior to the election. However, with that said, any candidate wishing to purchase a campaign ad may do so.
These policies were established to assure that all candidates are treated exactly the same by the newspaper.