55+ Plus Club
10 years ago
The 55+ Club met Nov. l9 in the Memorial Building for the regular meeting of club members, lunch together, bingo, games, and other activities for the afternoon. This will be the last meeting of the month
as members gather with friends and families for the Thanksgiving celebrations; Dec. 3 will be the next scheduled meeting time.
Kay Williams brought a beautiful quilt, made by her mom, Clara Parsons that is to be given away soon by the First Baptist Church; contact either of them or other members for details on the ticket prices and etc. Also, Sherry Urbanczyk, representing the local Girl Scout Club came by with two sizes of beautiful poinsettias they are using as a fund raiser for the Girl Scout facility. More information can be obtained from Sherry or any Scout leader; we understand they will be delivered to anyone’s home, at the buyer’s convenience.
Along the same thought, the Club has ended for this season, their Warm Things Project. The items collected will be delivered to the shelter in Amarillo. It was a fun day having ‘drop in’ visitors! Jony Thomas reported l46 volunteer hours from the Club for the month of October.
Other recent guests have been Joyce Hoffman, visiting with her daughter, Evelyn. Joyce, is at the present time, making her home with Evelyn. Coming with them, was Club Member Mary Ann Exnicious, and her daughter, Debbie Meyer. It was interesting to visit and catch up on their lives. Circumstances do make ‘life changes’ for us many times, and there is little we can do to circumvent those changes, but we, as a Club, miss those who can no longer attend our gatherings.
Cards and prayers were sent to Maxie Lisman, as he faces some new health challenges. Our hearts were saddened by the recent passing of one of our dearest members, Lynn Hulsey. He and Neida were here for the Veteran’s Day Program, which Lynn always seemed to enjoy so much, and shortly that evening, he was in a fatal accident. Our love and sympathy was sent to their family and the many close relationships they had with area wide friends.
Lots of Thanksgiving plans were exchanged during the day; many are doing the ‘at home family cooking of the turkey,’ while others are passing it to the next generation and plan to ‘just go’ and enjoy. Several seemed to think stepping out to the nearest restaurant would be the simplest; that idea brought smiles to the faces of those who knew ‘they’ would be in the kitchen Nov. 24. Wherever you are, we wish you a healthy, contented and blessed holiday; there is much to be thankful for!