11 years ago

The War Memorial Building was the meeting place for the 55+ Club, Wednesday, July 24, 2013. July has been one of those ‘slow, hot’ months and the attendance has been down some. Most of the non-attendance is due to ‘wandering club members’ ― several have been on trips with family and etc.

Word was received that Ed Hinshaw has had some health issues and seems to be doing better; also Larry Profitt checked on Phil Prendergast, and she was being able to be out and about, so we are glad for that and will welcome her return. Christina Lane has been receiving some hospital care; we send prayers and thoughts for her health to be restored soon.

The sandwiches and side dishes were a treat for lunch today and everyone seemed to enjoy the lighter food; it just seems ‘hot weather’ calls for that menu on occasion. Next week will be pot luck in celebration of birthdays and anniversaries and Accolade will be coming. They also treat us to ice cream and cake.

It would seem everyone has been blessed with some rain, but already the hot, dry winds are taking up the moisture that was abundant, for awhile. We do need to pray for more rain in order to keep the ‘green’ color we all admire! A good rain always brings smiles to the faces of Panhandle residents.

It was nice to have as a guest, Marsha Neel, daughter of Mozelle Urbanczyk. And a real treat for the club was the quilts Bobbie Smith brought that she had made. The ‘family tree’ quilt was most amazing, and priceless, for sure! Thanks went to Bobbie for sharing her ‘treasures.’ Also JD and CJ Kelly thanked club members for the many cards and well wishes they received celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary; it was fun to share the activities of their recent trip to Angel Fire, hosted by all their children. The week’s celebration made the ‘60th’ full of memories for years to come.

Bob Allison, Chairman of the Board, called a short meeting of board members. New officers are: President - Colene Butler; Vice President - Jony Thomas; Treasurer - Jane Hare, and Reporter/Secretary - CJ Kelly. Additional members will be voted on at a later date.