9 years ago

By Clara Jayne Kelly

On Sept. l6, 2016, about 30 plus members of the Panhandle 55+ Club met in the War Memorial Building. Those present enjoyed a very good lunch and with visiting and games afterward, the day was a good day. We do invite anyone 55 years old, or older, to come visit us and if you should decide to join the group, the yearly fee is $5 and $l per month for the local Scholarship fund.

Due to the absence of our Chairman Colene Butler, Jony Thomas has been filling in for her, and doing an excellent job. We seem to have had some interesting speakers and a few who have come with upcoming announcements. Laurie McAfee with the Area on Aging group gave two separate talks to the Club that were very beneficial; one topic was concerning Medicare Fraud and the other was good information on the various Medicare Plans available to Seniors.

Both Elizabeth Gersch and Randy Thomas came with invitations for everyone to attend any Church of choice, but their congregation was having special ‘Back To Church Services’ with a well-known Nashville singer giving a program and would welcome guests. Prior to the beginning college activities, Stormy Wood and her Dad, Tommy Wood came to give a report on her upcoming year. She is the scholarship recipient of 55+ Club and will be attending Amarillo College. Linda Purvines, a guest of her mother, Dorothy Broadaway, brought ‘early bird’ Museum barbeque tickets for sale.

We have had a long list of members on the ‘sick list;’ they are (or have been), Georgia Lane Cook, Frog Smith, Angie Beddingfield, Dave Smith, Ardell McAtee, Marie Slover, Betty Vick, Catherine Brown and Edna Fish. Our sympathies went to the Carolyn Hermesmyer family in their loss. Carolyn was a dear friend to so many in this community and will be missed.

Upcoming events are on the calendar: Wednesday, Sept. 30, flu shots will be given during the regular meeting and lunch time. Medicare cards MUST be shown to obtain the shots. Filling in for the new mother, Lynsey Pressor, are Colin Rains and Amy Hall from Accolade Home Health Care coming to assist with vitals and etc. Anyone is welcome to stop by on the second Wednesday of each month for that service. An event we all look forward to is the special time we have serving lunch to the Veterans; that is scheduled to be Nov. 4.

Marsha Thomas most generally leaves us with a thought for the day or a ‘funny’ just prior to lunch. That always brings a smile or chuckle to Club member’s faces.