55+ Club News
11 years ago
By Clara Jayne Kelly
The 55+ Club continues to meet on Wednesdays of each month from 9 a.m. until around 4 o’clock in the afternoon, at the War Memorial Building for lunch and afternoon games. Several members come at 9 a.m. to set up the serving table, fix drinks, and set up the card tables as well as put chairs around the lunch tables. Membership dues of $5 have just been paid during the month of June, as well as $l collected separately for the Scholarship Fund. Anyone over 55 years of age is welcome to join the Club.
Several people have asked if we were still meeting as they had not seen our newspaper account, but due to Fourth of July and other community activities, space becomes limited for all the news about the area; but we are definitely still here! It has been a busy summer and the Club has been glad for so many visitors. Judge Lewis Powers and Bob Russ joined us for some discussions on the use of the building and the assistance we could give those taking care of the building. Bobbie Smith had her sister Bernice Henderson and friend, Jim Porter with her; it was nice having them stay and play games. Also visiting were Diana and Harold Stone from Miami.
Cards and concerns were sent to David Smith, Colene Butler’s son-in-law, who suffered a stroke; in fact Colene has been gone a couple of Wednesdays as she went out to visit David and family. It is good to hear reports about Dixie Surratt, who had some recent health challenges, but seems to be doing well at this time.
Jony Thomas reported 94 volunteer hours for the 55+ Club; our numbers have been down this summer, and that always effects the volunteer services. If you have not seen the two new flags in the foyer of the War Memorial Building, go by and take a peek; if Bob Russ is around, he can give you the inside story to those beautiful flags.
On July 30, birthdays and anniversaries were celebrated with cake and ice cream; compliments from Accolade Home Health Care. Birthday people were: Colene Butler, LeiShung Cassidy and J.D. Kelly. The anniversary couples were Harold and Leona Caraway and J.D. and Clara Jayne Kelly.
The rain has been such a blessing to this area, and if smiles on faces aren’t enough proof, look around at the crops, the ranch lands and everyone’s own yards. Nice weather, as families take those last vacations prior to a new school year... it is almost here!