11 years ago

By Clara Jayne Kelly

The 55+ Club meets every Wednesday for lunch; many stayed to play games or visit in the afternoon, and this month has come and almost gone before we realized it. Thanksgiving always seems so close to the December activities so 55+ news items are combined in the month of December. The Dec. l8 meeting had a small attendance due to many illnesses among the members and others needed some extra shopping time. Nevertheless, Wednesday, Dec. l8 was a fun event for those attending. Several members were surprised when they had chosen a ‘lucky’ lunch napkin, without their knowledge and received gifts.

Thank you notes were read from Ben and Pam Cummings who were in attendance for the Veterans lunch and program. Also a note of thanks from Marie Slover’s family to the Club for remembrances in their loss of Lynn Slover. Several members have been recognized that are having health issues: Wayne Cox, Eugene Schoenhals, Ida Roselius, Evelyn Metcalf, Gerald Hare and Larry Proffit. Also members bid Darlene Reed God's care as she is moving to Lockney and will be closer to where her mother lives as well as other family members; she is already being missed. If you were able to attend the Christmas tree lighting evening, you know, even though very cold, it was a tremendous success; this all came about because of an idea Bob Russ had a year or so ago and it seems everyone wants to keep it going. Shop Panhandle, sponsored by the Panhandle Chamber of Commerce, the following night had warmer weather, but a tournament in Borger, lowered the numbers out shopping and browsing the businesses. But all comments were positive concerning the evening; lots and lots of prizes were given at the Christmas tree in the Museum because of the generosity of the Panhandle and area wide businesses. The Panhandle Santa made a lot of people happy those two nights.

John Dale and Clara Jayne Kelly delivered seven bags of Warm Things to the shelter in Amarillo. 55+ Club was very, very generous to this project, and those receiving the items were appreciative of that gift. Many people will be much warmer during the winter months because of this effort. Jony Thomas reported l00 hours of volunteer service was given in November.

It was good having short programs the past few weeks as Lynsie Presson gave her health program on hints to prevent falls. And Sace Hardman gave a program on being more alert while out and about, safety in your own home from predators, and how to avoid scams that come through the telephone services. These programs benefit 55+ Club members a great deal and the information was very informative.

Bingo day was a fun event after snacks and desserts for lunch. A good many stayed to play, and many took home some interesting prizes. The room had a festive appearance thanks to those who decorated the tables and those who had left Christmas decorations and two beautiful Christmas trees from the holiday season for us to enjoy. Well wishes were heard all over the room as people began to leave, knowing they would not be together again until Jan. 8. It is a good ‘giving, caring and loving’ time of the year...of course that brings a smile to even the ‘grumpiest’ of people; we all realize how special it is to live in a place where others care; but better than ‘just caring,’ they reach out with kindness to show that care. The 55+ Club wishes each reader a very Merry Christmas and a, ‘blessed by God,’ happy 2014.