100th Judicial District Court – Memphis, Hall County, Dec. 10, 2012
12 years ago
Memphis – On Monday, Dec. 10, 2012 one contested hearing took place which resulted in the conviction of Felicia Zawn Jacops aka Felicia Zawn Jacobs.
Luke Inman, the District Attorney for the 100th Judicial District, prosecuted the case for the State of Texas with the Honorable Judge Stuart Messer presiding.
Jacops, a 35-year-old resident of Memphis, pleaded true to the allegations listed in the State’s Motion to Adjudicate.
After the plea, Messer heard evidence from the State regarding punishment. The State called one witness, Marc Latimer, with the 100th Judicial Distirct Community Supervision and Corrections Department.
Latimer testified that Jacops used marihuana and methamphetamine while on probation. Latimer also testified that Jacops should not remain on probation, that her compliance was very poor and that she had a negative attitude towards the department when they were attempting to provide her assistance.
Jacops also testified in her defense, where she admitted to the numerous violations of conditions of probation. After the evidence was presented, Jacops was convicted and sentenced to 18 years in the Intuitional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
On Dec. 20, 2011, Jacops originally pleaded guilty to the second degree felony offense of burglary of a habitation that occurred on Oct. 18, 2011, in Hall County.
The State filed the motion to adjudicate to revoke on Sept. 24, 2012, alleging five violations of community supervision.
Jacops is also required to pay $376 in court costs to Hall County and $3,285 restitution.